Family Photo

Family Photo
Even Cleo is pulling a face.


Where has my little baby gone?

Hay Party

Hay Party
Homestead Farms




These boots were made for walkin

Team Reley

Team Reley
We had a great time in Baltimore MD.

"Here we go again"

Two nights ago Brenda, Hillary and I signed up to be run as the "Sole Sisters" once again for the Baltimore Marathon Team Relay Race. I can already tell that this is going to kick me into gear for training as a team because I've actually wanted to get up and go running the past few mornings. It's back to the drawing board as for as distance goes. Put one foot in front of the other is all I can advise myself to do!
I'll keep you posted.
Gotta Run,

Saturday, October 25, 2008

We did it we did it!!!!

So it's been a few weeks! I want to share a success story from our Relay Team known as the Sole Sisters.(aka #9499)
Brenda Worthen and I took two days to have a girl's weekend out. We had the time of our lives up in Baltimore. When we first arrived in town we wanted to go scope out the marathon route. Yep we got lost a time or two, however we were glad we went through that preparation.
Ravens Stadium was the location for the race Expo where we picked up our packets Friday the 10Th. It's there where Brenda bought her a shirt that says,"Toenails are for wimps." I couldn't help but purchase a shirt that says,"Running is cheaper than therapy." After a dinner full of carbs we headed in for the night. Our hotel was literally straight above the starting line which was most convenient for us.
Cindi Atwood, and Carolyn White made the trip up to the city for the day to support all of the runners. It was fantastic to see my pals from the gym there to cheer our team on.
I ran the second leg after Brenda, then handed the proverbial baton off to Hillary. Steph ran our last leg and she came in real strong just like the rest of us. Our final time according to the official records is 3 hours and 55 minutes. we came in 196 out of 694. Not to bad for our little team. O-kay I'll stop the bragging and just say that I'm grateful for true friends who helped me through this exciting little adventure.
So what's next? I'm thinking a Turkey Trot in the District on the morning of Thanksgiving. It's only a 5K so any of you out there temped to join in you're more than invited. Trust me when I say that if I can run, all of you can run too.

Happy trails,


Katie said...

Good for you!

Emily Hamilton said...

Congrats! You ladies did awesome! You're impressive! We'll have to do a race...Turkey Trot here we come! :)

Bethany Beach 2009

We just returned home from a wonderful week at Bethany with Family and some dear friends. Cleo even came with us and had the time of her life playing fetch, catching the frisbee, and running to find large pine cones.
It was very relaxing and entertaining to watch Mallory and Emily play endlessly on the beach. They soaked up the sea and the sun, while being completely enchanted with their surroundings.
A great time was had by all of us. And to all you you dear friends we wish you a Happy 4th of July week!
